Now in its 3rd year, see how HousingWorks helps prepare senior marketing students

The course project provides student teams the opportunity to create marketing strategies for a business or other organization. The final product gives students a “tangible” piece to contribute to the planning efforts of the selected organization, and it also provides students a “showcase” when interviewing for marketing positions.
MKTG 4200 Marketing Strategy Led by Professor Jing Yang
“The objective of the project is for each team to conduct analysis for an organization and help it create marketing strategies to solve its marketing challenges and identify marketing opportunities.”
I. Students begin with an introduction to HousingWorks from Founder, John Labella and Communications Director, Thuan Nguyen. After a deep dive into HousingWorks mission, vision, and scope of services, students are offered time for questions with HousingWorks staff. They then conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis within their groups of 3-4 students.
II. Next students were tasked with developing objectives that must contain a specific and measurable outcome, a time frame for completion, and identify the person/unit responsible for achieving the objective(s).
III. Students then apply what was learned from previous courses and this course to develop detailed marketing strategies to help HousingWorks improve marketing efforts within a $5000 budget.
IV. Followed by marketing strategies for the different Product Life Cycle (PLC) stages. This entails identifying an appropriate marketing strategy consistent with the product’s stage in its product life cycle and the market and competitive conditions it faces. Students also identify the strategies key competitors are using and develop a rationale for the strategy they had chosen.
V. Lastly, the students presented the types of marketing metrics that will be used to measure marketing performance and compare it to stated marketing objectives in Section II. Examples include dollar sales, sales volume, market share, share of customer, return on marketing investment, profitability, customer satisfaction, customer retention, or other customer-related metrics.
Applying classroom learning in real-world work environments
“Be original, show off your style, and tell your story. This is what we are proud to offer students the ability to practice”
Partnering with Emmanuel College has always been a great pleasure for HousingWorks. The students always offer an energy and perspective that is refreshing. It truly helps us take a step back, view our work from a different angle and improve.